The 8 Rs: Resilience

We want the NSW government to partner with recreational and commercial fishers to build RESILIENCE in our valuable fish stocks across NSW for our fishing future.

  • Immediately shut the Southern Fish Trawl down and provide fair compensation to the 22 affected commercial operators who are seeking $24 million dollars to fund a dignified exit from the industry, stopping inshore trawling between Sydney and Eden within 3nm of the NSW coast.
  • Stop the proposed Cruise Ship Terminal in Botany Bay.
  • All size limits, including slot limits, must apply equally to commercial and recreational fishers.
  • Temporary area closures should be implemented to protect all spawning aggregations of fish from all forms of fishing.
  • Immediately start the testing of important recreational and commercial fish species around sewage outfalls. This risk has been overlooked for many years and continues to be of concern with regards to the health of fish stocks for both human consumption and sustainability reasons.

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